Sunday, May 16, 2010

New experiments with watercolor

I have usually shied away from watercolors.  My reason usually being the high cheesy-potential the medium has. But I realized all media have a potential for cheesiness. And it might be possible for me to use it to bring something exciting to ink and charcoal drawings.  So far I'm fairly happy with the results.

Also added watercolor to a few portraits. Below: My great-grandmother Irene Koeppen (born Chittick), and her son (my grandfather) Harry Tom Koeppen.

I like Irene's portrait the best, since Grandpa's is a liiiiiiittle corny-looking. It does look like him though, so perhaps it's not all my fault.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Food Service

I threw this one together about a year ago, and just remembered that it existed. At the time I was working at a coffee shop, and often contemplated how long I'd stay in the food service industry. A small part of me was okay with becoming one of those seasoned women who worked nights at a salt & pepper diner--you know, the ones who sound like they've smoked 3 packs a day for 40 years and calls everyone "sweet-haht?"  I was kind of okay with being one of those.  And still am, in fact.

pictured: mixed media, "I came to this town to be a dancer."